Thursday, June 24, 2010

Auto Repair Process From Auto Collision

Many times this will require scheduling insurance re-inspection and ordering additional parts. Step 3: In Disassembly, hidden damage is often found, and inner structure repairs are determined. Once this process is completed, the vehicle begins the actual repair process. The insurance company will determine if the vehicle is even repairable.

There may be some negotiations on the price and procedures required to repair the vehicle. Step 2: Once the estimate is completed, the insurance company will review the estimate. However, often there is hidden damage that cannot be seen until after the vehicle is disassembled. This data is compiled into an estimate that determines the cost of repairs.

Here are the detailed steps from Auto Collision Solutions outlining the process after your car accident leaves your car in disrepair: Step 1: In the Estimate Process area, the vehicle is inspected and relevant data is entered into estimate computer systems. Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at an auto repair shop.

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