Friday, July 16, 2010

Lamborghini New Models

The fact is that the Lambo is SPECIAL and that costs. Whether you'd trade in the Porsche 911 Turbo while adding about £50k to the bill is a difficult question. Well this was a customer day not a race track outing so the handling wasn't properly tested but I can't imagine any customer ever complaining.

What else? It blips the throttle in down changes to give that authentic racing driver heel and toe sensation. The gearbox in the Guillardo is so precise, so rapid and so intuitive that I'm, for the first time, sure I'd take this not a manual. The two others I have driven, Aston Martin and Ferrari, were respectively a bit sluggish and unnatural and too ferocious for comfortable driving. There is also a reminder how far the latest paddle controlled gearboxes in supercars have improved over the last five years.

Secondly there is a driving position that normal sized people can get comfortable in - another Lamborghini first. To say it is better than anything Audi build themselves is meant as very high praise. For a start it is tiny and beautifully, exquisitely fabricated. The Guillardo, quite thoroughly up-dated for 2010, changes all that.

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